Training beta registration

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Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions we often get

Do I have to add a credit card to use the free plan?

No, DartsSpace if free and no credit card is required to get started!

What is the additional cost per player?

There is no additional charge per player. Even for tablet use there is no additional cost per player except for the monthly subscription!

Do players have to pay to use the app?

No the app is completely free to use for both players and organizers!

Do you provide installation support for tablets?

We can help setting up tablets for scoring but the process is really simple. Visit the scoring app page, download the app and scan the QR code with the app!

Is there a limit to how many tournaments I can organize at once?

No, there is currently no limit to how many tournaments you can have running at a given time.

Is there a free trial available?

We do not offer a trial period for Pro or Expert packages, but you can experience DartsSpace using the free plan.

Get Started for Free

Sign Up Today – and Take Your Next Darts Tournament to the Next Level

It won’t cost you a penny to try out the basic version of our advanced darts tournament software – but it could enhance your competition’s reputation and boost participation levels with minimal effort.